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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hungry at night: eating man blues

To be honest I'd like something very different indeed.

But I am hungry.
I'll take the cheese sandwich then.

Better one step after the other with bad legs
than downstairs with no legs at all.
This is what the caretaker said.

The undertaker topped that one.
Eat as much as you like my dear, he said.

Well then, it makes a fat deal or a big meal
for the big black cat.
And not for nothing,
the coffin tends to get more expensive

for each inch of one's waist.

Nothing makes sense or doesn't it?
Should I eat nothing?
But nothing is alive.

It's night and
I don't want nothing

Can't stop.
The show must go on.
Mind your step,
I'll take a candle
down for you.