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Sunday, June 14, 2015

The unicorn in captivity, Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • Here sits the Unicorn
    In captivity;
    His bright invulnerability
    Captive at last
  • Here sits the Unicorn
    In captivity,
    Yet free.
  • He could leap the corral,
    If he rose
    To his full height;
    He could splinter the fencing light,
    With three blows
    Of his porcelain hoofs in flight —
    If he chose.
    He could shatter his prison wall,
    Could escape them all —
    If he rose,
    If he chose.
  • Here sits the Unicorn;
    The wounds in his side
    Still bleed
  • Dream wounds, dream ties
    Do not bind him there
    In a kingdom where
    He is unaware
    Of his wounds, of his snare.
  • Here sits the Unicorn;
    Leashed by a chain of gold
    To the pomengranate tree.
    So light a chain to hold
    So fierce a beast;

    Delicate as a cross at rest
    On a maiden's breast.
    He could snap the golden chain
    With one toss of his mane,
    If he chose to move,
    If he chose to prove
    His liberty.

    But he does not choose
    What choice would lose.
    He stays, the Unicorn,
    In captivity.
  • Yet look again —
    His horn is free,
    Rising above chain, fence, and tree,
    Free hymn of love; His horn
    Bursts from his tranquil brow
    Like a comet born;
    Cleaves like a galley's prow
    Into seas untorn;
    Springs like a lily, white
    From the Earth below;
    Spirals, a bird in flight
    To a longed-for height;
    Or a fountain bright,
    Spurting to light
    Of early morn —
    O luminous horn!
  • Here sits the Unicorn —
    In captivity?
    In repose.
  • Forgotten the strife;
    Now the need to kill
    Has died like fire,
    And the need to love
    Has replaced desire
  • Quiet, the Unicorn,
    In contemplation stilled,
    With acceptance filled;
    Quiet, save for his horn;
    Alive in his horn;
    In captivity;



Terei teu corpo
– a fina casca de teu tormento –
e terás me consumido até o último frêmito.

Te sorvo as têmporas úmidas
e estreito teus pulsos entre meus dedos
– faço-te sangrar teu desejo escarpado e íngreme.

Impregna-me com tua voz.
Deita-me em teus vazios estreitos,
tua fome cercada de segredos.

Sou tua vida.
Tua fala.
És, ao reverso,
a alma que procuro.

Tenha-me, porque sou breve.

~ i liked it, as one of the facets of  life
sparkling out of shadows~

Anne Clark - True Loves Tales

exactly what i don't want


Love is all we need - you said
As you held me in the confidence of your bed
Tomorrow's not important - you said
But tomorrow's turned into today instead!
And I wake each morning feeling so ashamed
Having fallen to emotions that we both named
How shallow now all that rubbish seems
Hearts once full are bleeding dreams
Dreams that were reality
Have now brought out the worst in me

Love is just a paradox
He loves me, he loves me not

I don't want a part in this
The stinging touch, the poisoned kiss
The alibis to keep us close
The lies you spit when I need you most

Love is just a paradox
He loves me, he loves me not

A basic human need is such
Being able to destroy with just one touch
A stinking filthy trick I'd say
One day the stalker, one day the prey

Love is just a paradox
He loves me, he loves me not

Love is just a heart disease
And no cure can make this aching ease
But I'll tranquilise myself from that
Let fit emotions turn to fat
Care and concern won't breed here
I've had and seen them disappear
Tear stained eyes will not be seen
When to touch is nothing more then obscene
To fuck it seems is the only word
The ability to love seems so absurd
Absurd because we know we lie
Laughing at it all as someone cries
One day I may find it quite amusing
How touch and tongues make life so confusing

Tomorrow's not important - it's dead
As the sheets grow cold on your big bad bed
Love's not important - it's dead

Love is just a paradox
He loves me, he loves me not

Anne Clark - As Soon As I Get Home


i have old memories

i have old memories
knitted into the fabric
of my dreamy presence,
shells, the sound of 

soft whispers ,the taste of salt, 
the scent of long nights ,
a knowing of deep mirrors,
parts of music too deep

now your touch and voice,
you, your fragrance.
and only one truth
is true for each one alone.

all will be good.
even the chicken told me,
the goats made fun of it
and when you smile

i know. all words
weigh nothing,
they are a far chatter
in the silence of being.

your breath in my ear
is the language
i can hear, the
ocean of life,

ancient rhymes
sharing the unknown
through the borders of skin,
a pause in the waves, 

a sleep next to the noise 
of humanity,to wake 
in tenderness, to walk
into the flow of days

Loreena McKennitt-,The Two Trees

"There, through the broken branches, go
The ravens of unresting thought;
Flying, crying, to and fro,
Cruel claw and hungry throat,
Or else they stand and sniff the wind,
And shake their ragged wings: alas!
Thy tender eyes grow all unkind:
Gaze no more in the bitter glass.
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart,
The holy tree is growing there;
From joy the holy branches start,
And all the trembling flowers they bear."

(see also: The Rose by William Butler Yeats)

Loreena McKennitt - La Serenissima