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Saturday, December 29, 2007

And by came an Angel

"The Guardian Weekend", 12 December 29 2007
"I was 30 before I learned to read"
Antonia Moore

And now she quotes Blake:

"And by came an Angel who had a bright key/
And he open'd the coffins & set them all free."

And I quote A.Moore:

"That's what happened to me: I was set free."

Very honest and beautiful writing! You are a graceful person, Antonia Moore.

Today I did an 8 hour shift in Berwick Infirmary, went for an Indian meal,
quarrelled with my wife on the phone, got good with her again.

The news are still mainly Benazir Bhutto. I don't think it should be discussed in such detail whether she died from banging her head on the car or by a bullet. It was a violent act one way or another. I noticed that I don't know much about Pakistan.

Do you know the wonderful ways for psychiatric admissions in the UK? I spent nearly 2 hours yesterday night in a NHS vehicle in front of a nursing home trying to get the right people.
I know that this is "normal" here!

I am in two minds....