children laugh and cry. children play in a continuous now and in full scale illusions. so, why should i have not illusions? children learn that an illusion can hurt but they go on playing anyway. they are very serious and very wise. they know they are travellers and that their play will not last all day, but they are so absorbed by what they do that they forget this in their presence. life is a circus and i am in it. I want to play. o and when i am grown up i want to be in the circus, and when i will be old i want to live in a small house near the water. i want to learn to be a magician, and i want to talk to the clouds and listen to the answers. i am old now. i started listening. i am playing, and there is nothing i want to do now. i will go to look into the water, and i may know where i will flow when i will be dead. and now i remember, my soul desires to meet you there and melt in and into the ocean. i want to play hide and seek between water plants and stones and fishes. will i remember again when my ashes will be absorbed by the earth and trees grow out of me? it is a rainy day, the chances are good for a flood to take me away. i can swim. there is no I, now. good morning. who said it?