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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tommy Tiernan , Just For Laughs

Alan Watts , Answering the Koan

Alan Watts, Eastern & Western Zen, Zen Tales and Legends

John O'Donohue, Celtic Blessing

Say: Black Earth , Fazıl Say

Vivaldi ,RV 204 , Concerto for Violin, op. 4 ,no 11 ,2 largo ,Rachel Podger

Alan Watts , Zen Koans

me..deeply not buddhist nor system of dogma

..spirituality cannot be institutionalized..

no church or religion has the only and one way..

i don't need to learn Sanskrit or Hindu terminology ..

what cannot be said in german or English to me needs not be said..


Zen is beyond all words.

it is practice.

a way to see the truth , the one which is ineffable.