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Friday, March 1, 2019

Leonard Cohen , Steer Your Way (Audio)

Steer your way past the ruins of the altar and the mall
Steer your way through the fables of creation and the fall
Steer your way past the palaces that rise above the rot
Year by year, month by month, day by day
Thought by thought

Steer your heart past the truth that you believed in yesterday
Such as fundamental goodness and the wisdom of the way
Steer your heart, precious heart, past the women whom you bought
Year by year, month by month, day by day
Thought by thought

Steer your way through the pain that is far more real than you
That smashed the cosmic model, that blinded every view
And please don't make me go there, though there be a God or not
Year by year, month by month, day by day
Thought by thought

They whisper still, the ancient stones
The blunted mountains weep
As he died to make men holy
Let us die to make things cheap
And say the mea culpa, which you probably forgot
Year by year, month by month, day by day
Thought by thought

Steer your way, o my heart, though I have no right to ask
To the one who was never, never equal to the task
Who knows he's been convicted, who knows he will be shot
Year by year, month by month, day by day
Thought by thought

They whisper still, the injured stones
The blunted mountains weep
As he died to make men holy
Let us die to make things cheap
And say your mea culpa, which you gradually forgot
Year by year, month by month, day by day
Thought by thought


G.F. Handel , Addio, mio caro bene , Orliński , Kawałek

sleeping into a storm

a bleak and dreary day, rain falls on ice,
ice which only broke a few days ago with sun. early this morning i heard the first toad croaking into this year.
all followed prophecy, my soul sleeps in the pond.

The Corries , Granny's In The Cellar


The Corries , Eriskay Love Lilt

The Corries , Come By The Hills

The Corries , Come O'er The Stream Charlie

listened to the Corries a lot in my youth, just remembered....

The Corrs , Heart like a Wheel

Anti-vaxx, USA, The Guardian

Anti-vaxx, facebook, USA

To read this has been a disgusting breakfast experience.
All in all it is a matter of education, but you cannot change this type of
persons who feel justified by half-knowledge to cause harm to children.
Though it was said to forgive those who do not know what they are doing-
they must know that they act wrongly, i do not forgive.

In my actual country of residence we find the very same people, 
teachers, people out of the semi-esoteric scene, people who like to be against something 
maybe because they do not know for what else to stand, often finding themselves highly intelligent,
their opinions based on misinformation, political mistrust, half-digested facts.

I found arguments most difficult. They start now to behave like religious fundamentalists.
In Bavaria for example families had measles-parties, a child with measles used to infect
other children.

Measles can kill and they can cripple for life.
They are no more a harmless infection than tuberculosis  or HIV are.

I spent 5 years in Uganda during civil wars, and i saw countless children die from measles.

To be that much fighting against vaccination endangering all the others' children
is something which can only happen in richer countries, in countries where the majority of
children are vaccinated and the corresponding diseases are not so obviously killing
and maiming.

All i ask is to consider this and to see what happens in poor countries.
I wish sometimes that i had taken videos, but then, I am not a vulture.

11 year old girl gives birth to rapist's child,The Guardian

Girl, 11,gives birth to rapist's child, Argentina

"Tucumán’s archbishop, Carlos Sánchez, recorded a message on Wednesday revealing Lucía’s real name and calling on Christians to “defend all human life”.

source: The Guardian

Indifference is the cruellest torturer.
The Pope may be an educated person, 
i hope he will hear this and meditate on which action to take for the future-
no stupidity nor dogma justifies such cruelty.
blindness is no excuse nor is stupidity.
there is simply no excuse at all.

justification always means to act perverting truth into something else,
power games.

The Corrs , Black Is the Colour

two swans

two swans do not
fly more easily than one,
their weight is doubled,

and in the sky 
they cannot carry
each other

but they can care
on the ground, 
they can talk,

they see the other
and feel the grace
as i feel when i see

them swimming free
and together, connected  in all, 
water, willow,light and shadow

their long strong necks 
now bent, now erect,
they glide in the current,
balanced in the mystery of life

hands are not just hands

some hands hold
coins, some pens,
some grenades, 
some babies, some

hands hold hands,
no question asked,
hands kill, 
hands caress

some hands cannot
hold nor let go,
but the soul can wake
into another dream,

take rest on a hand,
feeding on warmth.
we can change the story, 
now, tomorrow, from here.

just move, ride the
bicycle , so easy,
learn by doing.
fall, rise, ride.

hands can touch
without hands.
when thunder rolls,
when earth rumbles

some have no space
in their mind, some
none in their heart.
intellectuals, artists,

some give,create,burn, 
grow cold, and the
lava slowly thickens,

some come empty, 
suck my blood,
fill sadness into me,
leave, them sad too.

all want to be free,
but few dare
to bear consequences
to stand up, to change,

to act, and truth
indeed is hard to meet:
don't confront but ask
or give up.

on being weird at night

i woke in the heart of night. hungry and with an appetite. eating slowly apple sauce with cream of condensed milk it came to me that to die now i would still have this delicious taste in my mouth, nothing bad, and i enjoyed it after all. there was a slight regret that i'd also like to feel the fresh memory of kisses and have the scent, the softness and breath and nearness of a sleeping love with me. but then i would let her sleep, early enough for her to have a bad surprise in the morning and for me better too, i'd like to go without her agitation, quietly.
so crazy,so real.
and now i sleep again, with a kind of malicious joy, i had woken out of dream with the pressuring image that i'll be too late for work. no.