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Friday, March 1, 2019

hands are not just hands

some hands hold
coins, some pens,
some grenades, 
some babies, some

hands hold hands,
no question asked,
hands kill, 
hands caress

some hands cannot
hold nor let go,
but the soul can wake
into another dream,

take rest on a hand,
feeding on warmth.
we can change the story, 
now, tomorrow, from here.

just move, ride the
bicycle , so easy,
learn by doing.
fall, rise, ride.

hands can touch
without hands.
when thunder rolls,
when earth rumbles

some have no space
in their mind, some
none in their heart.
intellectuals, artists,

some give,create,burn, 
grow cold, and the
lava slowly thickens,

some come empty, 
suck my blood,
fill sadness into me,
leave, them sad too.

all want to be free,
but few dare
to bear consequences
to stand up, to change,

to act, and truth
indeed is hard to meet:
don't confront but ask
or give up.

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