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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"go and catch a falling star"

"Go and catch a falling star"

Sht, it's hot
my hand fell off
I can catch
but cannot keep

1,2 and 3
it stings as a bee
4,5, 6 and 8
I can't walk straight

I show you where it is
a cold black stone
down in the lake
always awake

they said
go and catch the falling star
now I'm drunk
it is dark and it is sad

take my hand out of the ice
show me my fingers
and take us to the star
maybe it is an avatar

deep in the forest
behind so many trees
and i wonder if it sees
how much my mind
still misses my hand

maybe it is not nice
but if it has the power
it will heal my arm and hand
with its weird and magic wand

if not i will remain
a cripple, sometimes weak
and often and vain
and i just may sin and grin
now and again

1)"go and catch a falling star" (John Donne)
2)meteorite, Tscheljabinsk
3) what is the purpose of my life

“Could be a love poem about somebody’s eyes, but.”

“Could be a love poem about somebody’s eyes,

The stars talk to me
through your eyes.
the planets turn
and the nights sing

I smell the sea
through your eyes,
the cries of seagulls

Your eyes are so very clear ,
a secret lake in moonlight
silvery with fishes
leaping out of the light

It is not true
I am not blind
I can see
what I want to see

I can see
what I can see,
the presence of angels.
and I walk in silence

I feel this strength.
I hear the voices,
I see the dance  of hurt and joy.
I want to fly with the wind
of the universe

My dreams reach out
but my words fall short
even I
am falling
but will rise
and rise until my last day