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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Corries --- Peat Fire Flame

The Corries --- The Great Silkie

Ladysmith Black Mambazo - O mmu beno mmu

Ladysmith Black Mambazo - Nkosi Sikelel 'IAfrica

Quiet Grass, Green Stone, Dean Young

I love when out of nowhere

I love when out of nowhere
my cat jumps on me
and my body isn’t even surprised.

Me who wants to be surprised by everything

like a dandelion

like a bottle cap

cricket cricket.

I keep waiting for the god under the anthill to speak up.
I keep waiting for the part of the myth
where everyone tunrs into a different bird
or the reeds start talking
or horses come out of the ocean
in their parliamentary regalia
and cities grow from their hoofprints.
I keep waiting for the bugle
and the jackal-headed god to weigh my heart across the river.

All this daylight in just a few moments
pours itself into darkness. More and more
I’m satisfied with partial explanations
like a fly with one wing, walking.

Lost in the Milky Way, Linda Hogan

Some of us are like trees that grow with a spiral grain
as if prepared for the path of  the spirit’s journey
to the world of all souls.

It is not an easy path.
A dog stands at the opening constellation
past the great helping hand.

The dog wants to know,
did you ever harm an animal, hurt any creature,
did you take a life you didn’t eat?

This is the first on your map. There is another
my people made of  the great beyond
that lies farther away than this galaxy.

It is a world that can’t be imagined by ordinary means.
After this first one,
the next could be a map of  forever.

It could be a cartography
shining only at some times of  the year
like a great web of finery

some spider pulled from herself
to help you recall your true following
your first white breath in the cold.

The next door opens and Old Woman
counts your scars. She is interested in how you have been
hurt and not in anything akin to sin.

From between stars are the words we now refuse;
loneliness, longing, whatever suffering
might follow your life into the sky.

Once those are gone, the life you had
against your own will, the hope, even the prayers
take you one more bend around the river of sky.

deep loneliness

my voice
and me
falling back

through gates
of throat
and soul
and skin

into silence,
not the death
of words

the bed of birth,
buds and growth

cycles of blood
and of breath

a sound from stars

Schubert Fantasie for violin and piano in C major D 934 (Full)