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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Die Menschen sind wie, Albert Einstein

"Die Menschen sind wie das Meer, manchmal glatt und freundlich, manchmal stürmisch und tückisch - aber eben in der Hauptsache nur Wasser." [18, Einstein-Archiv 75-665] (Brief an Sohn Eduard 1933)

today the snow blushed

today the snow blushed,
peach blossom and roses,
and the crows left
the fields as if frightened

by all this beauty.
the evening sun
illuminating all
slowly settled down.

and poems walked
out of my mouth.
words, their clumsy feet,
could not hold

what had been promissed,
light in this darkness
and transformation
of suffering into stars.

Down to the Danube near Ehingen

The Death of Virgil, by: Hermann Broch, This was laughter...

This is a book i read as a student and again.

Hermann Broch started to write it in a concentration camp.

i quote:

“You are Virgil.”

“I was once and may be again.”

Towards the end of his life , Virgil reflects that he may have falsified reality
in order to create beauty.....

And at the time it made me time i read it on the ferry to Norway and i couldn't stop living in it for more than two weeks.

Of course i read it in German language.

Now i stumbled on a quotation in English which i would like to share here:

"....this was laughter, a constant flight from the haven of refuge, beyond the game, beyond the world, beyond perception, the bursting of world-sorrow, the eternal tickle in the masculine gorge, the cleaving of beauty-fixed space to a gape in the unspeakable muteness of which even the nothing became lost, enraged by the muteness, enraged by the laughter, divine even this:


the prerogative of gods and men was laughter

springing first from that god who recognized himself

springing dumbly-aware from his intuition

from the intuition of his own destructability..."

It is important, Ernst Bloch

-The Principle of Hope, 1959
It is important to learn hoping. Its work does not despair, it fell in love with succeeding rather than with failure.

Ernst Bloch

Cocteau Twins - Carolyn's Fingers (Official Video)

The dragon killer, a story quoted in Paulo Coelho's blog: so true....

Zhuangzi, a renowned Chinese author, tells the story of Zhu Pingman, who went after a master in order to learn the best way to kill dragons.
The master taught Pingman for 10 years uninterrupted, until his pupil was able to develop — to perfection — the most sophisticated technique to kill dragons.
From then on, Pingman spent the rest of his life searching for dragons, so he could show everyone his ability; but for his disappointment, he never found a dragon.
The story’s author says: “All of us prepare ourselves to kill dragons and end up devoured by the ants of details, to which we never pay attention.”

Jacqueline du Pré Haydn Cello Concerto No. 1 Adagio

photography by: Benno Koch

Benno Koch, facebook page

Of Monsters and Men - Sinking Man (Lyric Video)

Of Monsters and Men - Love Love Love (Official Lyric Video)


i don't really understand:
this is what came to mind
but then, i wasn't in a mood to say.

what is "really",
any way is real
or not,
because what is real?

so i'll be on a flight,
at the same time an approach,
of a kind,
all journey is like this

i don't understand "really",
so i am blind, maybe
because i can see.
it must be the sun

which makes my eyes
so heavily hooded,
my lids so heavy,
or it could be this beer.

ja, i will step off this plane
to drive a rental car
to an unkwown place,
i will do so with all grace

i will have left, tired,
lonely in this night,
maybe to walk
into a deepening of this:
being alone.

i will open
my mind, a window
my heart , a door.
i will open my eyes,

and what will i see
and who will it be
this time?
i wonder.

in the cold ocean, barefoot
i will stand at night,
to smoke a joint
with the stars.

i am underground,
beneath the waves,
my sky still far.
it is good to
hear my cat purr.

now, now,
so deep,
i give myself
to sleep,

..well, i had a lot of paperwork
and i was tired,very tired...

Out and around

Marianne Faithfull ~ In The Night Time ~ Laurence Winram Photos

Sadness is, Khalil Gibran

 "Sadness is but a wall between two gardens." 

 Khalil Gibran

It is wrong, Khalil Gibran

It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship.
Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and - unless that affinity is created in a moment - it will not be created for years or even generations.

Khalil Gibran

Photography, art ,quotes and poems by: Marysia Wojtaszek (facebook page)

The gulls
write avian poetry
across a sea-stained parchment sky
it makes me cry
(C) Marysia Wojtaszek 2015

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Albert Einstein
Inhabitation of Nature (Trinity) (C) Marysia Wojtaszek 2015

'The world is not to be put in order. The world is order. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this order.'
Henry Miller
(C) Marysia Wojtaszek

'If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.'
C.S. Lewis
The Horse Of Desire (C) Marysia Wojtaszek 2014

Cygnus olor -
No words are worthy
in the presence of a mute swan.
Grace swims in silence.
Poem & Image (C) Marysia Wojtaszek