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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Haruka Nakamura - Faraway

Hungry Ghosts - Nothing Has To Happen

sometimes it feels like discovery channel...and somehow it can be

Wolfram Huschke: Cello - Interaktion - ld.braemer: Cosmologie

Tania Eshaghoff - Beautiful Mind For

everything has been said but there is no but

everything has been said but
you,me, can say again
please, thank you,
yes, no
it is easy

i want your hand,
i stretch out mine.
I love the raindrops
with your breath inside
across so many miles

but if i tell you,
nothing will change.
let us go out
and embrace the trees

whom we love
and kiss and feel happy
with the snow falling at night.
but i cannot tell you

it is not the same.

no word
will ever replace
and no word
is necessary.

today i saw this foto,
two happy dogs cuddling,
would i need more?

i'll be fine just to
snore and growl,
sleep and run
and be.

just let me be
does not mean
go away.

good night

higher levels....

to be honest reading this, i felt cheated.
if you cannot teach or comprehend or write about it, why not leave it and just be?
or does the author only want to tell me that he lives on or rather in a more highly developed
level? is this not nearly arrogant?

is this not why so many people rather write poems or produce intensely beautiful music or just live in silence because they cannot say what they experience?

anway, i do not wish to judge. it is more meant as a question....

Levon Minassian - Yes tchem ouzoum dzeranl

'Stop sun! Don't turn anymore!'

Who turns
when all turns?

Tomas Tranströmer: Der halbfertige Himmel

Die Mutlosigkeit unterbricht ihren Lauf.
Die Angst unterbricht ihren Lauf.
Der Geier unterbricht seinen Flug.

Das eifrige Licht fließt hervor,
sogar die Gespenster nehmen einen Schluck.

Unsere Malereien kommen zutage,
die roten Tiere unsrer Eiszeitateliers.

Alles beginnt sich umzublicken.
Wir gehn in der Sonne zu Hunderten.

Jeder Mensch eine halboffne Tür,
die in ein Zimmer für alle führt.

Der unendliche Boden unter uns.

Das Wasser leuchtet zwischen den Bäumen.

Der Binnensee ist ein Fenster zur Erde.

Mascha Kaléko: Nichts ist

Nichts ist

-sagt der Weise.
Du läßt es erstehen.
Es wird mit dem Wnd
deines Atems verwehen
unmerklich und leise.
Nicht ist. Sagt der Weise.