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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Vashti Bunyan - Hidden

paths toward light

near Heroldstatt, Sontheim

no words associated

"There is  fine vibration that encompasses everything within Being, and it provokes an investigation that does not have any words associated with it,.."

"If a blind man wants to grope his way forward through the darkness that belongs to him, it is certain that he will use his hearing, but as things grow closer, nothing will substitute for the sense of touch, for that subtle vibration of contact and that direct intimacy that comes from the closest possible encounter with the environment."


close to the edge

i am like the sea
i follow a rhythm
much older than me

i reach out,
i shrink away,
i have my tides

i touch the land,
retire in me,
come again
swelling, then
breaking in waves

the wind wrinkles my face,
the sun steals my water,
i am the ocean,
i give
but i cannot die

rains fill me,
i am so deep,
i feel too vast,

i am in all parts
and i live as a part.
i must be
so very small.

sometimes i think
i drown
in myself

i live so close
to the edge.
i want to touch,

and often
i think
i will never
reach your shore