i liked the women
selling flowers,
young and smiling
with inviting hips
and supple arms,
i asked them out
after work
then the scent
of roses and musk
mixed in voluptuous
laziness and the
slowness of sex
when you hold
your breath
to stop time
and i asked the
pharmacist, the nurses,
the supermarket
lady who took my
cash and my voice,
a vibrating in her eyes,
a joy of life,
anticipation, adventure
and i went to book stores
with sunglasses,
and the ladies
wanted to know me,
they started to blush
or an impudent stare,
i was deceivingly soft
and a little weird, as needed
and time after time
in lust and wet kisses
i felt only well
when there was laughter
and when i could
sleep after
without the wish
to have breakfast alone
or i got bored
and escaped with excuses
nobody could believe:
such is greed,
ending with disgust,
and still,
i could never
get enough
until i knew
how to see.
what i wish:
this i cannot
ask nor take, it is to
give and be given,
to happen in its
own good time
it is love.
it is love.
note: but then this i knew for long,
very long