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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Miles Davis , In a Silent Way , 1969

alternative facts: a poetic obituary

                                      Sphinx of the Naxians, Delphi, Museum

all these plastic micro fucking
particles clotting, forming
tumours in my brain,
so hot, no rain

the atmosphere filled
with death and fumes,
the deserti-fuck-ation of
cities, farmland , forest

and lakes, people will take
a fucking vacation in tropical
rain forests and leave there
their garbage, shampoo, bottles,

plastic bags, piss, perfume, their smell,
condoms, hiv, diarrhoea of shit
and of words and things and then 
when all is destroyed, the animals

will creep out of the trees
tired and hungry, they will
enter the villages, eat the
children first, then the old
and when they will have eaten
all they’ll cross the Mexican border
and enter the States where
people dry as dried raisins

will gather in washing saloons
to pray to God in the tap,
the light of terror will burst
out from their eyes and

they all have guns but
their rights will be useless,
their guts will open and the
animals will devour their

tasteless flesh, and then hungry
they will attack the cinemas,
the suburbs, Hollywood, Las Vegas,
the fridges and the goldfishes,

the pools of the rich, the famous
hiding under their beds,
slowly killed by grasshoppers, by ants,
cocooned by countless spiders

and when all is done, this God
who is so madly wise will teach
them to digest plastic and
cars, engine oil and  fuel

and he will plant new codes
in plants and guts and the
birds and the few bees
who were crazy enough to live

will spread them across
the world, the birds above
the cities, China in  flames
and pestilences all over

London, Berlin, Paris, fires
and people writhing
with fevers and blisters
of death opening on them,

maggots crawling in their
flesh and skin, and then this
God, so madly wise, will
kill them all with floods
and a comet crashing into
the earth, centuries of smoke
and sunless dark, then it
will be finally cold.

and still, the last human
freezing into a statue
will accuse this God:
but he was that God, we were.

neighbour‘s secret life

july,august, from here to home and near

art brut, Altes Lager, Münsingen, Norman Seibold

Pablo Neruda, Soneto XII, Cien sonetos de amor, Voz

Cien sonetos de amor 

Cantas y a sol y a cielo con tu canto 
tu voz desgrana el cereal del día, 
hablan los pinos con su lengua verde: 
trinan todas las aves del invierno. 

El mar llena sus sótanos de pasos, 
de campanas, cadenas y gemidos, 
tintinean metales y utensilios, 
suenan las ruedas de la caravana. 

Pero sólo tu voz escucho y sube 
tu voz con vuelo y precisión de flecha, 
baja tu voz con gravedad de lluvia, 

tu voz esparce altísimas espadas, 
vuelve tu voz cargada de violetas 
y luego me acompaña por el cielo.


Singing unto the sun and sky with your song, 
your voice threshes the grain of the day, 
the pines speak with their green tongues, 
all the birds of winter trill. 

The sea fills its cellars with footsteps,
 with bells, chains, and groans--
 metal and tools jangle, 
wheels of the caravan creak.

 But I hear only your voice-- 
your voice rising with the flight  and precision of an arrow,
 your voice falling with the gravity of rain, 

your voice scattering the highest swords, 
and returning, laden with violets-- 
accompanying me through the heavens.

LOVE CROSSES ITS ISLANDS , Pablo Neruda, SONETO LXXI , De pena en pena cruza sus islas el amor


(translated by Stephen Tapscott)

Love crosses its islands, from grief to grief,
it sets its roots, watered with tears,
and no one––no one––can escape the heart’s progress
as it runs, silent and carnivorous.

You and I search for a wide valley, for another planet
where the salt wouldn’t touch your hair,
where sorrows couldn’t grow because of anything I did,
where bread could live and not grow old.

A planet entwined with vistas and foliage,
a plain, a rock, hard and unoccupied:
we wanted to build a strong nest

with our own hands, without hurt or harm or speech,
but love was not like that: love was a lunatic city
with crowds of people blanching on their porches.

De pena en pena cruza sus islas el amor
y establece raíces que luego riega el llanto,
y nadie puede, nadie puede evadir los pasos
del corazón que corre callado y carnicero.
Así tú y yo buscamos un hueco, otro planeta
en donde no tocara la sal tu cabellera,
en donde no crecieran dolores por mi culpa,
en donde viva el pan sin agonía.
Un planeta enredado por distancia y follajes,
un páramo, una piedra cruel y deshabitada,
con nuestras propias manos hacer un nido duro,
queríamos, sin daño ni herida ni palabra,
y no fue así el amor, sino una ciudad loca
donde la gente palidece en los balcones.

Lösch mir die Augen aus, R.M.Rilke, Extinguish both my eyes

Lösch mir die Augen aus

Lösch mir die Augen aus: ich kann dich sehn,
wirf mir die Ohren zu: ich kann dich hören,
und ohne Füße kann ich zu dir gehn,
und ohne Mund noch kann ich dich beschwören.
Brich mir die Arme ab, ich fasse dich
mit meinem Herzen wie mit einer Hand,
halt mir das Herz zu, und mein Hirn wird schlagen,
und wirfst du in mein Hirn den Brand,
so werd ich dich auf meinem Blute tragen.

Rainer Maria Rilke, Sommer/Herbst 1899, ?

Extinguish both my eyes, I see you still,
Shut up my ears, i hear you talking,
Without my mouth i can implore your will
and without my feet i can walk towards you.
Break off my arms,  i will touch you 
with my heart like with a hand,
halt my heart: my brain will beat instead,
and if at last you set my brain aflame
i will carry you forever in my blood

mod. translation (mine)

a lot of passion-but:
i do not wish to love a person who blinds me,  breaks my arms, halts my heart, ignites my brain
and destroys me that much and in a way that only my blood remains to spill in a puddle,
too heroic, not even selfless but exaltation of desire per se giving an inadequate importance to self, 
useless to the other person.
and really, i am not a nor reasonable.

The Beatles , Strawberry Fields Forever

Living is easy with eyes closed,

misunderstanding all you see...