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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

the crying light ,Antony and The Johnsons

Antony And The Johnsons - The Lake

Rapture - Antony and the johnsons

Eugen Cicero - Prelude in e-minor

Jacques Loussier. Adagio

Jacques Loussier Bach Partita No1 Preludium Allemande BWV 825 1

Dr. Didg - Ever Increasing Circles.

joni mitchell - "sweet bird"

"Somewhere with your wings on time
You must be laughing
Behind our eyes
Calendars of our lives
Circled with compromise
Sweet bird of time and change
You must be laughing
Up on your feathers laughing"

Kitaro - Stream


Dick & Woody on psychoanalysis

Jiddu Krishnamurti, Rupert Sheldrake, David Bohm (subtítulos en español)... a wonderful and enlightening discussion. my brain stopped a few times ,

even my heart, sometimes i smiled, sometimes i thought..well, all kinds of stuff.

To be free....

possible and not possible.

possible only through what i wish to call love.

and possible only including acceptance, even

acceptance and knowledge and awareness of conditioning

and one's own animal nature.

Acceptance does not mean not to be able to go beyond.

Not to need another one is not my way,

not to be my true self is not my way,

and each ego must be respected for what it is.

you must love yourself, your self, before you can love another one.

freedom in one's seclusion is certainly not true freedom.

freedom not freedom, not for me.

freedom is in seeing what one has never seen before:

to listen to the other one, to be able to walk out in innocence.

Even Krishnamurti contradicts himself again and again.

He "is" society but he radically opposes tradition.

There is for me no sense in opposing tradition:

there is no sense in opposition at all.

freedom i see rather in not minding tradition, walking out,

and following only one's own way, to grow, to be on the path of love

and consciousness , mindful, wherever it may lead to.

for sure i just love Krishnamurti's exposure of the psychologist's approach

to human suffering, really often a way to keep people in suffering,

a culture of fertilizing a perpetual egocentric life.

egotism and egocentricism are too very different matters,

and i feel confident that Krishnamurti does not want us

to be crucified. Hard listening.

The definition of ego is again another thing.

The position of the human mind above all other living

beings in the universe we can see is again another matter,

quite uncomfortable to me.

We are born out of the womb of the universe:

not above it.

"How will you help me to go into myself so deeply

that i understand and go beyond?" (Krishnamurti)

Then he says how to find true security...

why? Why not accept a degree of dependence

and live with it? He comes out with his own truth....

Spiritually seen: another matter.

In life: again different.

Life means to mature enough to be able

to  go along with insecurity

and to trust, i don't want to say in God but....
