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Sunday, April 13, 2014

about authenticity

About authenticity

( Over the last months I read some excellent,some wonderful poems. But there were also these which came across as non-authentic. Sometimes maybe because somebody tried too hard to be different or to increase his/her importance with other people’s suffering and with tales of heroism (which I hate). Or sometimes just maybe because the text had to fit the rhyme. Or because the phrase found was so wonderful, it had to be used: it could have been used later.)

there is a full moon
i smell wild boars
in the dark of the forest

it is april
and i blossom
shooting the sky

i agree,
this is poetic
and it
may be
a bore.

but if you watch
 a war on tv:
why do you write
as if you were there?
you in your chair.

if you
don’t love:
why pretend
and molest me?

if you like pus
then there may be
a certain degree

but if you think
that i need pus,
flies ,wounds,

all from you
who has no experience
with  torture,
prisons, ditches
not even hunger ,thirst
not even freezing

you cannot
me enough
to make me

why don’t you pull
your own toe nail?

even if your skies
are ever so azzurro,
lilac and deep

even if your genitals
are as voluptuously
as your brain

even if rain falls
and washes it all away
why should I read?


a poet

a poet

a poet doesn't need
blood , wars,
violets , perfumes

a poet
needs space,
needs to listen to
what is not said.

a poet
needs to make
silence dance

his words
are not words
but signs

and a breath
make you shiver

his words
are a language
of nomads

but you
will not be led
across the dunes

but out