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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Charlie Parker,Lover Man

Mozart - Concerto pour Piano n°23 - Adagio - M. Pressler - P. Järvi

Barbara Hendricks,Schubert,Nacht und Träume

the cruel child: let the dog run

now i sit here
between my many books
my toys, my weapons,
my arsenal of words

my knowledge to kill,
to hurt, to make noise
with my instruments,
i could stomp my feet

but i won't.
i've been to a place
where a cruel child
could not forget wounds,

makes towers tumble,
refuses milk and love
to suck his thumb
sulking in the cellar

now i sit here,
i see my titles,
my life, my bills,
my mood and my day

i could stomp my feet,
but i won't.
there is sun outside,
and i see you.

now i sit here,
and i don't care
what is inside,
i will get up.

i could stomp my feet,
but i won't.
i will walk out
of this room and of me.

our life is a riddle
not to be solved,
a maze with wonders
and madness,

falling and flying,
the secret is love,
the way is to live
and to let the dog run.

Leo Tolstoy, from: A Letter to a Hindu

"In every individual a spiritual element is manifested that gives life to all that exists, and that this spiritual element strives to unite with everything of a like nature to itself, and attains this aim through love…"

"It is natural for men to help and to love one another, but not to torture and to kill one another."

"Love is the only way to rescue humanity from all ills, and in it you too have the only method of saving your people from enslavement… Love, and forcible resistance to evil-doers, involve such a mutual contradiction as to destroy utterly the whole sense and meaning of the conception of love."

nor those childish and for the most part corrupt stupidities termed art — but one thing only is needful: the knowledge of the simple and clear truth which finds place in every soul that is not stupefied by religious and scientific superstitions — the truth that for our life one law is valid — the law of love, which brings the highest happiness to every individual as well as to all mankind. Free your minds from those overgrown, mountainous imbecilities which hinder your recognition of it, and at once the truth will emerge from amid the pseudo-religious nonsense that has been smothering it: the indubitable, eternal truth inherent in man, which is one and the same in all the great religions of the world.

i wish i was an-alpabetic

these days
it is the noise
the crushing sound
to let words go

a screeching
my voice dying
makes me write

i wish i could
let all go,
to be without
alpha and beta

to un-know
the terms for
this grinding
and drilling

which continues
in the lake of me,
through rocks
and rusty iron

the poison
of  being me
seated separate
from the dancers

and next to me
where i cannot be,
i see letters, syllables,
i write them down

as if they could save
me, when i have to see
i am a fragment
and a question

i wish i was an-alphabetic,
a shepherd
under a cool tree,
dreaming life

in silence,
eating bread,
listening to
the dog and the sheep