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Thursday, March 26, 2015

last night with frogs

a last night with frogs
to croak me to dream,
calls for mating
from the hills

a last night with now
because tomorrow
is another time,
me another man

i will drive far
and i will reach home
to greet my cat
and do my work

there the owl will hoot,
the foxes will bark,
the toads will splash 
and spawn in my pond,

and in the garden
sun, moon and stars
will call the buds
to open for spring

i must sleep, may dream.
when so many died,
it must have a reason
that i am alive.

i will learn to be kind,
this is all i know about wisdom,
not to despair, not guilt,
but find to acceptance

of what is and will be.
but i must be me,
true and as pure
as i can be.