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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Cé Hé Mise Le Ulaingt [ The Two Tree]

Beloved, gaze in thine own heart
The holy tree is growing there;
From joy the holy branches start
And all the trembling flowers they bear.

The changing colours of its fruit
Have dowered the stars with merry light;
The surety of its hidden root
Has planted quiet in the night;

The shaking of its leafy head
Has given the waves their melody.
And made my lips and music wed,
Murmuring a wizard song for thee,

There the Loves a circle go,
The flaming circle of our days,
Gyring, spiring to and fro
In those great ignorant leafy ways;

Remembering all that shaken hair
And how the winged sandals dart
Thine eyes grow full of tender care;
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart.

Gaze no more in the bitter glass
The demons, with their subtle guile,
Lift up before us when they pass,
Or only gaze a little while;

For there a fatal image grows
That the stormy night receives,
Roots half hidden under snows,
Broken boughs and blackened leaves.

For all things turn to bareness
In the dim glass the demons hold,
The glass of outer weariness,
Made when God slept in times of old.

There, through the broken branches, go
The ravens of unresting thought;
Flying, crying, to and fro,
Cruel claw and hungry throat,

Or else they stand and sniff the wind,
And shake their ragged wings: alas!
Thy tender eyes grow all unkind:
Gaze no more in the bitter glass.
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart,
The holy tree is growing there;
From joy the holy branches start,

And all the trembling flowers they bear.
Remembering all that shaken hair
And how the winged sandals dart,
Thine eyes grow full of tender care;
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart.


Ana Alcaide - Durme Durme

Afenginn - Missa Tripus & Lumir (live at Ulmer Zelt Festival, 2014)

Afenginn: Lux / Kostbar (live from Decenniale)

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , quote, desert

"And as the desert offers no tangible riches, as there is nothing to see or hear in the desert, one is compelled to acknowledge, since the inner life, far from falling asleep, is fortified, that man is first animated by invisible solicitations. Man is ruled by Spirit. In the desert I am worth what my divinities are worth."

Beethoven, Benedictus

"From pure sensation to the intuition of beauty, from pleasure and pain to love and the mystical ecstasy and death — all the things that are fundamental, all the things that, to the human spirit, are most profoundly significant, can only be experienced, not expressed. The rest is always and everywhere silence.
After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."

Aldous Huxley (Music at Night and other Essays)

atmosphere & home

my arms are not a cage

my arms
are not a cage,
my heart
is not a prison

my house
has doors
to come inside
and to walk out

when you touch me
you move my soul,
when you kiss me
you kiss me

when i hurt you
i hurt me,
when you flee me
i find myself

you know
we can fly
and we can sleep,
all in its time

there is a flower
or a green leaf
in each bud
to unfold

in innocence.
all belongs
where it must be,
and one day

we will all reach
beyond .