we are not amused?
life with me is lazy days
and rough walks in
the steppes of life
i'll take your hand
and pull, i use bad
language, eat animals.
i laugh with a hoarse voice
i tell the same stories
again and again, the
same jokes, i am old
and i know, i accept
limits only when i
cannot climb them, i
push my head against
walls and pamphlets.
i stay for days inside.
i smile and care, i shout
at the birds because
i cannot fly.
i do all this and know,
each one is many
and solitude is shelter
from eyes who can see
me smoking too much
and coughing. wisdom
is slow reaching me,
so when you give your
hand, we both know
that one is not one
and two are not two.
would you walk with me?
there is we say a flow
and its scent are flowers
and its ways are filled
with dark rivers carrying
us to the sea, and a
time will come not
to swim but be carried
into the memory of all
before forgetting hold
me one last moment,
and i will let my warmth
go to be yours and my
last smile to dance in
the water blowing rings
like a small trout
jumping with joy.
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