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Friday, May 13, 2016

the desert rose

where we met
in the desert
between dream
and waking

where went
to light
and breath
and sea

where we left
and inbetween,
now we are here

these roots
are all veiled
like in abstract
art, purposefully

hidden by fate,
the biggest liar,
and love is a word
in a glasshouse

though we do not know
who we are
or where we go,
now we are here

the church bell tolls,
the birds make a noise,
children laugh
and we don't care

banned into
a moment
of wonder,
now we are here

in this month,
May, in
the scent of spring
i long for you

help me
not to think
that now is a prison

help me
not to think:
now we are here

we do not know
between come and go:
now we are here

♫ Pink Floyd - Sorrow [Lyrics]

all these songs...none quite my theme...not now

Pink Floyd - Pulse - 16 - The Great Gig In The Sky - 432 Hz

The Endless River | 16 - Eyes to Pearls - Pink Floyd

The Endless River | 03 - Ebb and Flow - The Pink Floyd

Loreena McKennitt - Beneath a Phrygian Sky

Enya - If I Could Be Where You Are


Enya - Even In The Shadows (Static Video)

....~ one way of seeing...

Krishnamurti - Is love a part of consciousness

liked it...though this way has its limits, it stems out of a lot of resignation
and Krihnamurti is actually continuously thinking, unhappy in it,
and....but it sure does break open prisoner mentality, gives doors
to the hospitalization of  our true soul