now in the cloudy sky
in the plane
in between
from now to now
my cat
a house
a garden,
this will be there,
nobody waiting
i had been missing,
lost in the frontiers.
i moved to the core,
a home in the heart
it sails within storms
as quiet as a gull
with wings to carry,
to steer in and out
i must go
and follow the days
and see the signs
in the traces of birds
in the patterns of faces
the smoke from fires
remember the essence
of touch and presence
no soothsayers
to heal my pain
no lover
to ease my longing
there is only one
and one, pure feeling,
i am homesick for you.
no inauguration
no witch, no magic,
no words will cure me:
only you can
when you will
and i must wait.
it is as if i have waited
since i was born.
i am here now.
i reached a place
where we can meet.
it is for you
to find me in the green
leaves of the ivy,
the lianas of fingers
and lips and skin
and the whispering
of my voice in your ear,
my breath in dreams
of fur and feathers,
salt and soft winds
and here are my tears
they are nothing
but rain in the ocean
the gates open
and heaven finds
to return
sleep, my love,
and find the key
which i tried to send.
open my door.
i told your monsters
to go, i prayed for
your pain to
come into my arms
the string of pearls
your spine
i count
and i lose count
i ask your heart
to have eyes
and courage
to trust and to feel
i pray
i hold a shell
close to your ear
you can listen
and hear
the blood
the sea
and the stars
listen to your self,
child of heaven,
woman of earth,
sleep, my love,