though energy cannot be lost, all structures , all mediums will be destroyed,
by fire, water, salt, rust, wind and weeds, animals, humans, all suffer death.
all moves, changes appearance, dissolves, crystallizes, mutates, rots, not one stone will remain on the other. life builds, grows, forms, and death changes each face, each tree and each grass. all tears rise into rain and flow into the sea. all is happening without one word. our eternity stares at us out of ruins, it is constant metamorphosis
and that is all we can perceive. each corn of dust is rebirth. nothing will ever be the same again, it is to me consoling to see this. me who wishes to walk into another evening can never be the me who i am now. it is a chance, a grace , a blessing and a curse. but so it is. ‚it‘ is just a name for the ineffable. and death will be an unavoidable release, in its own time. it is an ultimate love, to melt into forgetting self.
this is what the gate told me.