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Monday, February 24, 2014



Green grass
breaks up

A bird sings,

It is cold
but the signs of spring
glare all around

Another night,
a cigarette,
lost words

The doors
Skin too tight.

My blood
to nobody.

will you come
on your

and sing to me?

Small animals far away

Small animals far away

Sometimes I thought
the gods play-
they throw human guts,
spurt our blood
across the skies

I thought they hide
in clouds
enjoy the torture
make a game
of suffering

Maybe they do.
Or they are not
there at all.
But poets do
and neighbours.

We are small animals
far away
stumbling on a chessboard.
But we can fight

and together
we can tear and bite
and gnaw like rats
at the flesh of gods
and neighbours
and politicians.

We should.



I walk a  line
between and inbetween,
enhance the shadows
violate the light

There is blood,
it is my blood.
There is spirit,
it is my spirit

There is strength.
I don’t know
how to use it.
I walk , I breathe.

Turtles kiss my face
and lions lick my nose.
I smell death, decay.
I cannot heal.

I live in a jungle,
noise, voices,
I find a path.

I live in the air
dance on a string,
stare at the sea

My eyes are blind
but I see
dark lakes ,
silent swans.

I come back
to myself,
but I don’t know
who I am,

I tried to talk
but I get


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

journey and game

all my life i have seen this my existence as a journey and adult life just as another game, deadly serious and still full of joy,. often i have felt like sitting in a train, watching time pass and clouds and meadows and sadness and expectations,sitting next to myself and wondering what it will all be about... looking at the stars in a clear night i kind of know where my journey started but i don't know where it will end. one thing i know: i won't tell children easily "it's just a game", i would rather phrase it "it is a game, (one of many)"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

astral shield II , for revision, notes september 2013

my astral shield is bomb -shelled,
things, faces passing through.
i am a post-office,
transport letters,
thorns of promisses

sometimes i need drugs
to close the gates,
for shelter,
for rest.

the u-bahn shrieks,
squeals, screeches
to a halt,
then rumbles on,
thunder underground

from far a wailing child,
a dog barking down the tunnels.
this is one stage of bardo,
transition, dissolution
the astonishment to find

white paper
being filled with letters,
paint, colour, signs,
symbols, figures,
trainloads of people
in a cloud of voices

long after Babel

they carry wishes
and sorrows
and i hope
they would see
and live now
because now
is tomorrow too late
and yesterday gone

their own monsters
 will shake them
only with the fear of death
they will awake
into their lives

i open my eyes
and i see
a sword in my hand.

i will not need
a shield anymore