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Sunday, May 25, 2014


written ca.1991
somehow i fear i haven't changed...much.


Your heart beats fast,
drums beaten at night,
ears humming with sound,
my blood sings to you.

Your voice wakes
the sleeping child
to fly so high
into a starry sky

Your eyes 
knew my thirst,
they are my water
where i whirl with rage

Cradle me in your arms
until I burn myself,
hold me to be still
and breathe desire
in my murderous fire

You shall kill me
but I shall live
as a thorn and a wound

raw as Genghis Khan,
so very thirsty,
his mind aflame
and much too much alone

I shall burn the clouds,
devour the rains
and beat the Earth,
riding his horse:
thus I shall die

my tears boiling,
my last breath
to singe your mind

Within half an hour of nowhere

written ca.1991
i must have been a horrible man..?

Within half an hour of nowhere

O dear
don't panick
Get your gun
Amok is what you want

Each one a God
strutting with pride.
All of them white and smelly,
hands across the belly,
nothing or all to hide

What else is there to do
in a supermarket,
and after all it's Sunday,
you won't hurt a fart

Maybe first the tins,
pineapple juice, custard,
avocados, yoghurt,
clotted cream, then the bins,
nightgowns and cashbox,
the windows and doors

Fuck it, I hope somebody walks
into these bullets,
just one astray.
I need to see blood

All around
blood is thinned out,
it's milky with fat
and tough on the heart.

Let me shoot Gods
and drink their blood.
Let me die
to rise and fly
beyond the cloud,

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

dream of a shaman

Dream of a shaman

(democracy is the rule of the majority.
if the majority wants to live forever,
this will go into jurisdiction in the near future,
starting off in the U.S.A., surely.)

i hear whispers,
broken thoughts.
i listen to sadness
in empty spaces.
there are ghosts
floating in space.

i see
brains, brains over brains
nourished by tubes
and huge tanks,
green and pink fluids,
in subterranean caverns.

cyborgs, 120 years old,
limbs of titanium ,
teeter around
unexplainably twisted machines,
dials flashing and beeping.-

i feel
blind desire
and impossible tears,
memories torn,
maybe scraps of
a far away song

i smell
in a maze
between living
and dying

i am leaving
i see
under the sky
but stones, steel,
frozen ashes,
an immense sea
covered with black ice

i have
wake up

Assoziationen auf Deutsch

Assoziationen auf Deutsch

Deutsch. Deutsch,
ehern und schwülstig,
gemütlich und schal,
gemeißelt, brutal

Mein Land,
dort geboren,
geradlinig, leistungsbewusst.
Disziplin ist kein deutsches Wort. Deutschsein ist Pflicht. 
Pflicht ist ein deutsches Gefühl.

Deutsch habe Tiefe,
doch dort ist es dunkel,
und wir lassen fünfe nicht gerade sein

Stammtisch, Verein,
die Zeitung lesen,
ein Vorbild geben,
und keinen erschlagen,
das war alles gewesen?

Aber auch tüchtig sein,
Kraftwerke ,
Waffen und Schulden

Deutsche müssen
ein Haus bauen oder drei.
Sparen ist heilig,
Arbeit auch.
Alle Rentner sind fleißig.

Ich misstraue
den Deutschen.
Ich traue keinem
außer meinen Feinden,
auf die kann ich mich verlassen.

Ich lebe im Luxus:
mein Misstrauen
kann mir wurscht und egal sein,
Gestapo und Stasi
sind abgeschafft.

Es gibt andere Möglichkeiten.
Kontrolle ist gut,
controlling sei besser,
Notwendigkeit ist notwendig.

Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel.
Die Mittel seien beschränkt,
aber nur wenn man danach fragt.

Nein. nein,
die Deutschen sind nicht roh,
keine Barbaren,
sie sind nicht achtlos
sondern sauber.

Der Müll wird getrennt.
Der Mensch auch.


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Wednesday, May 14, 2014



night is.
day is.
dreams are.

follow dreams,

i find
find me

i walk
in my grid
of experience

there is
my secret map
of stars
and black holes.

there is breath.
sound steps,
a path
to follow.

i forget,
was there first
the song
the singer?

I dream
meeting points,
lonely places.

in the sand,
in the sun,
in the wind
i  dream

the grass,
the rain,
the fire,
all dream

the ocean
dreams  me.
i dream
the ocean.

I will
my dream

my dreams.
your dreams,
in the end:

who dreams?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

virtual love

virtual love

all love
is virtual
it starts
and ends
in the mind.

there is no
for love.,
love is
a gift.

love is
to share
the song
and the silence

love is to
be present.

love is.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

a scent of love

A scent of love

I am
underground water.
I must  rumble.
but i will grow,
but i will  flow.
but my tears will not
drown you

I am
a volcano,
old ashes
dancing in the wind.
I must growl
but i will
keep you warm.

I listen,
in my heart
a golden sound.
I must stumble
but not this song,
your mind.

I will
spread waves of the sea
around us.
I must expand
and withdraw
but your clear eyes
will find
my harbour.

I will
a voice
with you
in a garden
of silence

there should be
there will be