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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Three Angels, Bob Dylan

Three angels up above the street
Each one playing a horn
Dressed in green robes with wings that stick out
They’ve been there since Christmas morn
The wildest cat from Montana passes by in a flash
Then a lady in a bright orange dress
One U-Haul trailer, a truck with no wheels
The Tenth Avenue bus going west
The dogs and pigeons fly up and they flutter around
A man with a badge skips by
Three fellas crawlin’ on their way back to work
Nobody stops to ask why
The bakery truck stops outside of that fence
Where the angels stand high on their poles
The driver peeks out, trying to find one face
In this concrete world full of souls
The angels play on their horns all day
The whole earth in progression seems to pass by
But does anyone hear the music they play
Does anyone even try?

below the link to the vid&music:

Roberto Murolo - 'A Tazza 'e Caffè

Bob Marley - Don't worry be Happy

today's haiku

a wind in the thistles
and sand in my open hand,
this coffee is bitter

today's haiku

B. Brecht

Bertolt Brecht: Terzinen über die Liebe

Sieh jene Kraniche in großem Bogen!
Die Wolken, welche ihnen beigegeben
Zogen mit ihnen schon, als sie entflogen

Aus einem Leben in ein andres Leben.
In gleicher Höhe und mit gleicher Eile
Scheinen sie alle beide nur daneben.

Daß also keines länger hier verweile
Daß so der Kranich mit der Wolke teile
Den schönen Himmel, den sie kurz befliegen

Und keines andres sehe als das Wiegen
Des andern in dem Wind, den beide spüren
Die jetzt im Fluge beieinander liegen.

So mag der Wind sie in das Nichts entführen;
Wenn sie nur nicht vergehen und sich bleiben
So lange kann sie beide nichts berühren

So lange kann man sie von jedem Ort vertreiben
Wo Regen drohen oder Schüsse schallen.
So unter Sonn und Monds wenig verschiedenen Scheiben

Fliegen sie hin, einander ganz verfallen.

Wohin, ihr?

Von wem entfernt?
          Von allen.

Ihr fragt, wie lange sind sie schon beisammen?
Seit kurzem.
          Und wann werden sie sich trennen?
So scheint die Liebe Liebenden ein Halt.


q.gif (1003 Byte)
Bertolt Brecht: Gesammelte Werke Band 14: Gedichte 4, Frankfurt am Main 1989, S.15-16.

was es ist, Erich Fried

Was es ist

Es ist Unsinn,
sagt die Vernunft.
Es ist was es ist,
sagt die Liebe.

Es ist Unglück,
sagt die Berechnung.
Es ist nichts als Schmerz,
sagt die Angst.
Es ist aussichtslos,
sagt die Einsicht.
Es ist was es ist,
sagt die Liebe.

Es ist lächerlich,
sagt der Stolz.
Es ist leichtsinnig,
sagt die Vorsicht.
Es ist unmöglich,
sagt die Erfahrung.

Es ist was es ist,
sagt die Liebe! 

he shows how to use the brain to reflect ones own relativity and transience , a process of conscious self-alienation. a naked baby and a naked soul are not per se ridiculous, they appear ridiculously helpless...i am grateful for my brain but it cannot destroy what i feel, it is there to find a path to go. the fascination and attraction with another mind are...difficult.

    Saturday, June 28, 2014

    good night

    a smile for the siren

    the siren's heart

    the heart of sirens
    is lonely
    in black nights,

    she lures
    the traveller
    deep into his darkness
    and brings oblivion

    the siren's heart
    is filled with night
    her song is pure,
    no guilt

    its beauty drowns
    the helmsman's eyes
    with tears
    and clouds of starlets
    confuse the skies

    i dream
    to kiss her night
    to wake her
    with my breath
    hovering above the abyss

    my blood 
    to wake her
    my heart 
    to make her dance,

    not to destroy 
    her night,
    not steal 
    her song

    no, i want to
    drink from her beauty
    and smile
    into her night

    Friday, June 27, 2014


    no stones on my head

    te vejo do outro lado

    clouds and rain,
    rips of blue

    of childhood,
    dark dreams

    my mind
    so close

    a name to call,
    lost in 
    the void

    of the singer
    with the wind

    to be heard
    far away

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014



    dukkha, true...but: who am i if not desire, a flame, a light, a wave, a spark in the universe, a memory of stars, ever changing and ever the same, inside an ocean, the night, the song and the suffering: desire travelling. desire reflecting desire, the universe longing for a voice. a torch climbing in its own well of darkness. and always alchemy, distilling tears, cleaning the flame. total freedom of desire and final enlightenment may only perhaps be reached through the gate of death. until then you go through the bardos, again and is as it is. you cannot change the flow of this rare and disciplined moments you are allowed to sit back and watch and there more?


    Jaqueline Du Pre - Jacqueline's Tears (Jacques Offenbach)

    Monday, June 23, 2014

    a song my children will not like: there is a rain

    there is a rain
    it cannot wash my hands
    it cannot clean my mind
    it cannot heal my soul

    there is a rain
    i have loved
    cared, left, lost,
    i have been a traitor

    i have lied,
    i have killed,
    i have listened
    and i have been
    i met my fears

    i have fucked
    and i have cheated
    i know  prisons,
    illusion, entrapment,
    quarrels and sorrow
    i have
    violated happiness

    i have tried to ease pain
    and suffering
    i have held hands
    i have rarely healed
    i could not help so much

    i have jugded, hated,
    i got in   rages
    and i have forgiven

    i have gone so far
    but i stayed alone
    as you will stay

    you and me
    we cannot rely
    on the ground we walk

    if love happens
    if you want to laugh

    if you want to dance
    if you need to cry

    if you fall,
    get up
    and walk

    be present

    i have touched
    bodies and minds
    i have melted,
    i have fallen,
    i felt joy
    and i laughed.
    i smiled.
    i tried to forget myself
    and i have risen many times

    there is a rain.
    my hands are dirty
    my mind struggles with clouds
    my courage leads me
    to fight windmills

    i saw so many
    dying and dead
    i will never forget
    the eyes of a boy
    bitten by a snake

    he could not talk
    his eyes asked
    for a very long time

    a very  very long time
    and time lost all meaning
    'where do i go?'

    i never found
    an answer.

    there is a rain.
    be present.

    Sergei Rachmaninov - Cello Sonata

    there are clots in the sky

    there is the king
    his wings cut
    and his claws numb

    he yawns
    the waste land
    mirrors his longing

    do not tickle
    the king
    he will cry
    and howl

    he does not
    want to laugh
    in his loneliness

    there is the king
    he needs
    a mind to touch

    there was the king
    he will go
    without a smile

    sand and pebbles
    follow his steps

    the earth turns
    the mind turns
    the king turns

    the milk turns
    there are clots in the sky

    and the sun is black

    a sad woman dances for nothing

    not yet ...but i started again to paint

    Mercedes Sosa Cantora 1 - Celador de sueños

    Peter Gabriel - Come Talk To Me

    Otis Taylor--Buy Myself Some Freedom (audio)


    is the gate
    to another dimension.


    busy with the present presence on thin ground...mine. if you ever tried to kind of dance rock 'n' roll alone at night in an ice stadion you know what i mean. the lights go off and you will hurt your bum or bang your head. or both. then try to get up and out. o and it might be a lake underneath and spring started. when the lights go on everybody will clap. to nobody. but i assure you: i'm still here:
    good to ride, shoot, steal apples

    Friday, June 20, 2014

    i will not

    a look across the open sea, an ocean of magic, inside, strong, invincible. a story of options cut, magic lost, sails cut, rowing to the harbour: maybe sometimes better to tie yourself to the mast, wax in your ears. i will not. there is another sail, always. i will set out.

    a gift ( the german word for poison)

    a hightened gift of perception is not easy to bear. i tend to fight it. it goes through walls and across thousands of miles...a heritage


    if we keep on thinking in terms of goals, then life's goal is death.
    goals are negotiable points of navigation,
    just follow the song in dreamtime. 
    there is your path.


    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    serene tranquility

    serene tranquility

    i am an illusion
    i sip white wine
    i feel
    very real

    and there is this smile
    out of nowhere:
    it is mine


    i am like the sea

    i am
    like the sea,
    always true to myself

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    a bird

    a bird

    a bird
    fresh paint on its wings
    whistled to me
    in the forest of magic

    i heard laughter
    i followed
    lost my way
    no hand to hold

    my fear
    waited in shadows,
    my desire
    jumped out of emerald lakes,

    i met
    myself in a corner
    smiling at me

    i met an old man
    who told me:
    it's all in the mind

    i forgot.
    i am awake

    in a void
    to be reborn
    and i shall do it myself,

    walk and smile at birds

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    i tasted the darkness

    i tasted

    i tasted the darkness
    of my heart
    and i tasted your darkness
    in your absence

    i don't know
    where we will end
    i hardly know
    where i walk

    come spread
    colours with your hands
    show me this flow,
    rivers of blood, of joy

    paint clouds
    pierced by 
    strength, shadows
    around courage

    and protect my heart
    in the garden of mysteries.
    i will show you
    a song at night

    i create tides
    to make you rest
    and smiles
    to keep you warm

    i asked a bird
    to take my wishes
    across the sea
    and i walk in sun

    i am just here
    long long ago wounded
    i am here
    and i smile

    i am here


    Saturday, June 14, 2014

    lovers not yet born

    lovers not yet born

    in the womb of night
    they turn in their universe
    a slow dance
    they are listening

    they dream
    lovers not yet born
    growing they wake
    slowly to a song

    sent from stars
    which died so long ago
    their future
    is a memory

    which will guide
    their travel.
    their sign a kiss
    cut in a tree

    they will walk
    in darkness
    and they will walk 
    in light

    at their heels
    like dogs
    on a leash

    they will
    learn their words
    and they will
    learn to talk

    lovers not yet born
    hand in hand
    and hope is a flower
    never to be cut

    Thursday, June 12, 2014

    facebook: a place filled with ghosts

    trapdoors between words
    henchmen in the hiding
    behind likes and hearts
    and even kisses

    a loss of speech
    between rows of words
    the furies knitting and weaving
    a worldwide web

    in which
    it is easy to get lost
    without finding the minotaur,

    trails and signs without end
    dangling between
    web and mind

    and each life
    a maze
    of its own

    can you or i

    if not
    with a
    thread of hope

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014

    happy troglodytes killing each other in the light of reason

    happy troglodytes killing each other

    it is allover,
    people killing people,
    animals , dreams

    the light of reason,
    what is it worth?
    not just Iran
    or Palestine
    or Egypt
    or Mexico:
    has a reason

    no, allover
    a pest of reason
    a lust for control
    borders, borders,
    a toll of death

    a toll of death in life:
    the light of reason
    is nothing
    but the demons of fear
    illuminating the mind

    we build walls
    to protect
    a non-existing self,
    we build walls against death
    and we kill each other
    doing it

    who will prevent death
    or loss
    or  fear

    who will
    this life
    and why

    still laugh

    but I know
    the laugh and the dreams
    and the tears
    these are the roots
    the roots…

    without curiosity, a not understable hope, eros, dreams 
    and a laughter i wouldn't wish to live one  day more
    in the face of this unbearabale monstrosity of suffering allover

    Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    my voice

    my voice

    my voice
    born in blood
    taken by the the wind
    i send it to you

    my voice
    born with stars,
    sound of the tides,
    through forests of darkness,
    with wings of light

    my voice
    soaring with birds flight,
    croaking and hoarse,
    biting through stones
    and muck and bones

    my voice
    a song of desire
    to touch your heart,
    a breath in your  mind

    my voice
    to make
    our solitude


    come dance with me

    Tuesday, June 3, 2014

    seismology 2: garden


    grows my garden.
    birds stop to sing
    and start again
    to show me

    the scent of herbs
    with the
    red, o so red
    i am not hungry

    still lies the pond
    hiding frogs
    and darkness
    under duckweed,
    allover green
    and undisturbed

    my garden
    my wild garden
    waits for you.
    but filled with peace

    my heart,
    my wild heart,
    i let it out
    to wait
    in the garden.

    it is so quiet now
    in the evening breeze.
    the birds

    Monday, June 2, 2014

    seismology 1: tonight


    i talk to shadows
    birds fleeing 
    they entered
    my mind

    the ground moves
    gives way 
    under my soles
    my shoes stuck
    in mud

    my dream
    i told you
    i am a dream

    the window
    lies in shards
    and a cold wind
    blows into my heart

    scars all red
    and paining,
    unhealed wounds
    sprouting up
    like weed

    belief is fading
    and fear is closing shutters
    it prepares

    i dig graves
    for wishes

    i see
    a ladder of fire
    to reach heaven

    my back
    is itching
    to scratch