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Sunday, December 16, 2012

idiot wishes, all men are idiots, grandfathers too

“For good wishes”


“idiot still thinks women are angels”

Blurred waves
In a prison of pain,
Suffering ,
Just go on, go on and through.

Listening to vanity,
Running towards inside
Where ‘no hope?’ lurks.
But you can find wings of light.

But still desire
High and far,
the sound of the flute

In the forests of my night.
I am burning from inside,
But my head is cold as ice,
And my hands are swelling,

Glittering with guilt.
A terrible old man
I will look out for you
Untiring, steadily.

I will touch you
With my mind
I will seek you
with my soul

i will take you in my arms
like a bird,
and I will rest my head
in your heart


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

we fly: a tribute to 3 words

a tribute to 3 words:
Cesare Pavese:
"haleine caressante, silence":
so beautiful even standing alone, torn out of  text

we fly

we fly
across an abyss we fly
through fire, wind and sky
we touch the water,
navigate the dark

we are filled with such desire,
old old dreams of the dreamer
who puts us on winged horses
to fly and fly and fly

wild unicorns join our way
they laugh at our clumsy wings
call us humble knees, bumblebees
share kindness, light and joy

the drums of rain
beat the green earth,
beat the red earth.
white ants crawl out.
clouds rise and rise
and swell and swell

flowers , rainbows
birds at our side,
lilac deserts,
blue and golden lakes,
we fly

the sun ,the moon .
the tides come in,
the tides go out.
we smell the salt of the sea.
we are hungry, thirsty, cold
we fly

we fly
we hear, we see, we feel
the fruits ripen,
each one falls

slowly rises in the heart,
fog in autumn.
magic spiders watch
in the shadow,
in the corner

we climb the trees
and fly
we fly fly fly

breathing, still breathing

breathing, still breathing i drive into the sun the sun is an angel who blinds me. i want to lie down breathe in breathe out the sky is peach-blossom and nipple-pink and wide i want to lie down breathe in breathe out get up and walk into the sky into the sun breathe in breathe out walk on and on i don't want to stop no end no end walk through doors breathe in breathe out in my dream i walk and to the sea and to the sky i took an ear and an eye now i am tired i want to lie down breathe in breathe out get up and walk i breathe with the sea i fly with birds i dream with dogs and i talk to cats and when i get tired i lie down breathe in breathe out get up and walk

Saturday, September 15, 2012

i found an old poem...

ich moechte meine sehnsucht
in deine augen fliegen lassen
will zusehn wie sie
in deinen himmeln vergeht

meinen arm neben dir
mit dir gehen,
weit und nah
in einem atem aus licht

mein herz sagt ja
mein kopf meint nein

ich fahre durch waende
aus wolken und schwarz
dunkel und scheissegal
ich fahre ohne haende

mein hirn ist was es isst

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No help- work in progress

I'm not too happy. And life is a pain in the butt. Cannot paint. Need more dreams...good night.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Beginning a story

"Mme. went down in the cellar, and she brought fruits, onions, potatoes and the damp smell of secrets. Mme. climbed the stairs very often. Sometimes she appeared to stay down there for hours and even days. She searched for her voice in the deep recesses of the caves, she met spirits, people,angels, dreams and stories. But she searched for herself in the silence there deep down in the dark guts of the earth. Sometimes we heard a murmur upstairs , this was when she tried to sing through the darkness, many steps down next to the well. She must have heard so many echoes reverberating from the walls, but it helped her even more to concentrate, to breathe, to feel herself, to sense the awareness growing, her hidden self. We didn't really know her , but she always brought a gift up with her, a vision, something beautiful, candles and matches and shards of hidden riches, and we smiled and cuddled up to her. Wo she was? We didn't now, we don't now. But we remember the warmth and the radiance. " Dr.F.
I will continue this story when asked...or when I really want to.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

and a bit more

bits and pieces of my journey

twice i got towed off and as it is not quite safe i had to leave out on montsegur and carcassonne, i didn't revisit the pyrenees. i an staying now in les saintes maries de la
mer, relaxing another day. then home via vaison-la-romaine, nyon, geneva, lake konstanz. my ride took me after the first night further
north in the valley of the river rhone to the ardeche valkey as a special treat, then to aramon near arles , then valladolid, hervas, the valley of ambroz, and on my way to las hurdes i visited the monastery of yuste where kaiser karl V. had retired to and where he lived sad and overeating until his death next to the chapel. weiter auf deutsch ...von vegas de coria weiter durch die extremadura und den monfrague nationalpark ueber das wunderschoene trujillo nach
montanchez, dann caceres, weiter an stauseen, freilaufenden schweinen, pferden, stieren vorbei, an stoerchen ohne ende durch die sierra nevada mit einer nacht dort bis ans cabo di gata, san jose. leider wieder abschlepper, zwei naechte in alicante, schoen dort , castillo, strand, tolle altstadt, prachtpromenade unter palmen am hafen. eine nacht autobahnhotel bei barcelona, nun zwei naechte hier . die reise war gemischt. es ist ein ungutes gefühl, wenn man
nicht weiss wie lange bis das
bike wieder steht. hab sowas noch nie erlebt mit der bmw. wir werden aelter....
and unreliable? writing in deutsch...