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Saturday, January 24, 2015

inhabiting what we are ..suffering...

The best we can do, in other words, is inhabit what we are; and this is very different than the idea of of escaping our inner defilements by, as it were,inhibiting what we are, which is a quite different thing.

If Gurdjieff were to explain it, he might describe mindfulness not as rising above the defilements, but engaging with them; that is, we must come directly to grips with what we are, which may not lead to less pain and sufferingbut, in fact, more of it: which some (very) few Buddhists are in fact willing to come to grips with.


as mentioned before, i cannot agree with all views in tis blog as it tends to put Christianity
"high" on top of the ladder, at least as far as i understand it. i cannot do this. . but always interesting and strong  impulses for thinking..

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