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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

value and misunderstanding of mythology: thoughts on romantic love

I wish to clear some possible errors in understanding myth, mythology, emotional patterns and expectations.

Ariadne, Theseus and Dionysos. Orpheus and Eurydike.
These are wonderful myths, rich, rich in depth and feeling.
The Greek mythology didn't promiss salvation.
It let us participate in all the tragedy, suffering, comedy and joy of life , love and death.

As a start bourgeois romanticism regulating life in sleeping rooms and at tea parties started to make promisses of  "religious" fulfillment. it was, maybe one could say it, encrypting marital violence.

And nowadays mass production of  double hearts coming with a new car and flat, furniture, food and lifestyle goodies oriented on consumerism makes it all sadly ridiculous. Romantic stories turn out to be mere pornography of the hunt for taxable pleasure.

Personally i do not see anything wrong with "romantic" feeling as long as it is true, secret and kept away from these lines of influence. Not romanticism, no. But people have bolts and doors and windows and longing and desire. they can melt for short eternal moments, in soul, spirit and body. they cannot melt together in life. to live and love together or apart is an active process which requires full awareness and effort.

it is important to see that no crucifix and no lover will save us.
Love itself is not a myth but it is a myth too, a different one for each human on this earth.
It certainly is not "just" a myth.

I do not want to live without myths, fairy stories, all the memories of mankind,
and i advocate a life with all its richness, feeling all the joy in living, moving, early morning light and sunsets,  in Eros, in sharing and melting,  being able to let go, well knowing that nothing like that is permanent or leaves me as an angel flying through the dark forever.

To fly through the dark, we have to do it ourselves.
We can but stretch out a hand, sometimes.

We don't need to come away from all expectations and hopes.
We have to recognize them for what they are and what they mean to our real self.
And we must be able to live inside ourselves.

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