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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

beer, water, food and a call

as the seagulls cry 
and as the rain falls
drop by drop
and the wind moves the sea

the spirit can fly
in all this presence,
the ocean is deep
and the soul does not care

if you fly or dive,
think or not think.
it knows all
and nothing,

the deep currents hidden
from the eyes of the mind.
take the monsters to light,
love and embrace them,

the water is rich with these,
there are always more.
the soul remembers pain
better than joy.

keep away, stay on your path,
i walk with wet clothes,
am soaked with rain and beauty.
i will die poor and naked

and i live naked and rich,
following dreams and the voice
of my blood and of  birds
calling my name in the sky

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