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Monday, April 13, 2015

Toby the tomcat

Well I didn't choose the name. I didn't get him castrated nor did i do the chip implant.
Toby comes from an animal shelter in Ulm. The staff were not sure if they could give him away.
He had bitten and badly scratched each and everyone.
They said he was there the second time. First time very ill, kept at first in isolation, than in an outdoor enclosure from which he managed to escape. The second time when i met him he was kept in a special room together with other difficult cats.slowly calming down. Again he had arrived badly damaged and with many cuts from a pocket knife.
The first two weeks he managed to scratch and bite every visitor and me too, he couldn't trust and he was used to behave this way.
I just ignored him for a while whenever he did it.
They told me to keep him inside for 6 weeks, i let him go out after not quite 3.
I could see he felt at home.
Now he is my companion and a real joy to have around most of the time when he doesn't behave like a boy in puberty, a macho, a jealous king or a thief...:-).
Cats have a lot of character, and we have to let them go their own way...
home feels better with him around.
Sunday he had one of his walks with me, and then he had to come inside the restaurant a few houses away to look for me.
The born entertainer...a courageous fellow, or is it just curiousity and self-reliance?

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