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Sunday, June 21, 2015

to walk out of patterns, thoughts on poetry

the beginning of life starts as a jump.
first there is  breathing. then hunger,digestion, sleep.
to hear which has started in the womb continues with a memory of the rythm inside. slowly to see with eyes which cannot be held open for long yet,  a sensual experience of touch and space: and all perception is in the soul and in the body  without words and thought inbetween, unperturbed by
the workings of the mind which is yet to grow. the newborn is unprotected and has no thorns.

in the beginning of poetry there are speechlessness and wind.

but now our mind is awake. we have travelled further, our seeing and hearing
occurs in the mind, we have given names to everything, we carry memories and fears and our egos.
we have developed patterns of  discerning 'things' and 'people' . we learned to perceive the world, the earth, the trees and the animals to occur outside, separated from us by our physical and mental skins.

in the beginning of poetry there are wonder and desire.

still we find these moments of a pure sensual experience of the earth, moments of wonder ,
we know again that we are a part of the animals, the flowers, the mountains,
the sea, the earth.
the desire to be one comes to us like a memory, to be one with all.
in the inncocence of wonder we meet the living ability to express ourselves and our experience
just as the earth expresses itself in us and in the rivers and birds and forests.

in the beginning of poetry is silence. in the beginning of all art is an empty mind.

in poetry we cannot transfer the pauses as music does, we only can give the rhythm of our inner breath . this is a very physical breathing at the same time.

we transform experience and memory in our mind to walk out in words.
words again are not mathematical and abstract as music but social agents with their meaning lost in translation.
the poem is lost experience in nascendi and it is the creation of another experience.
as such a poem is not communication, and nothing can be achieved by writing poetry.

the step from experience to communication begins with shared experience and not with words.

poetry shows us the limits of words and the corruption of experience by education and
our social present and past. it shows us the thorns and horns and thickets we have grown.

poetry has another language and enables a perspective for re-naming what we experience,
it lets us participate in the knowledge that we can re-explore our earth and ourselves.

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