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Thursday, July 30, 2015

W. S. Borroughs, there is no intensity of, thoughts and remarks

'There is no intensity of love or feeling that does not involve the risk of crippling hurt. It is a duty to take this risk, to love and feel without defence or reserve.'
William S. Burroughs



well, as said one cannot discuss love.
either it is there or not, either it is alive and lived or not, either one loves or not. 
one cannot discuss the quality of experience. 

one cannot discuss the joy of a running squirrel nor the feeling of the snow in melting.

i cannot see a duty in life or love. but love is  probably true only if one accepts 
the risk of attachment and of possible pain.
without giving yourself how can you be fully present? i cannot.

also i cannot see that life is only teaching us all the time nor that is gives us a moral obligation.
no. we should not keep internalizing this attitude of slaves of society, 
always being told that if we don't do this or  that we are failing all goals and must go to hell.
where is the goal, what is it and WHOSE is it?
I cannot see love as a duty.

i just feel that to be true is the most important to me:
 i experience  sharing joy intensifies its quality,
and suffering needs a presence.
consolation is no shit when it is true.

otherwise we are just travellers, and our scholarship , we should see it calmly and stay modest.
we will not be gods just because we develop and grow this way or that way.

what we call god is not  simply part of us, it is more that we are a part of what we call god.

of course, we can see us differently, and, as a friend of mine says, nobody is so special.
i find this a rather diminishing view though true in its own way: we are all more related even than we often want to be.

but- we are all unique.
and when we see, perceive, accept  and experience another living human as unique, 
then we can find to another way of feeling as part of the universe,  
maybe of what we call god.

the need for sharing and presence is why we fall in love in the best of ways,
and this is one way of experiencing  attraction in mature erotic love too.

it is not "romantic" in the historical meaning of this word.
melting and mellowing should not mean to lose one's own identitiy
but to give and to find a mirror and to grow in and out of the richness 
of  a loving relationship.

this means love can be like water to a tree.

it is my personal view and  goes towards a possibly "religious" and innocent 
touching this world and reaching out into life and love.
it is, for me, the spice of love and life.

if it is not only falling and being in love, it needs a complementary 
being,doing, living, giving to the other one-
both have to grow together to make any sense: 
the need to come together and the act to be together, 
to receive and to give. 

otherwise to be in love truly means 'nothing' but will be just another way of 
ego-centred development or rather evolvement. 
and this can be done and experienced alone.

well, i really want to say, a bit in contrast to many esoteric and spiritual teachings, 
we are not monadic and hierarchically structured beings
and we will not be real humans as long as we grow only  inside and alone 
expecting to change into superhumans.
this is NOT possible.

nothing alive is hierarchical, its wings are not of a higher importance to a butterfly than its guts.

we are not separate beings and we are not separate from the earth, the world, the universe.
we can analyze it to shit, it will not help us to walk anywhere.

to give ourselves to life and love and to grow in kindness together WHERE WE ARE  is the best we can do. not just in our mind.

so, fuck books, psychoanylsis, theories, gurus, doctors, teachers, fuck everything:
i want to live as consciously and as clear as i can with my own feelings and stay alive
this way as long as i am alive.

me, i am neither running after happiness as something to consume 
nor am i trying to destroy and analyze all i feel. 
i accept it ALL. 
even when i am 'bad', bored, unhappy, ill, fed up, angry, 
lonely, it belongs all to this my life just as my dying does.
and wanting belongs to me too. i want, long, desire: nothing bad about it.
no obligation or duty not to want  whatsoever.

what is needed being together is to be able to forget oneself for a time, 
to open the mind and the heart to the presence of another person.

when one feels well with doing this, love is present.

for a time...which cannot be measured.

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