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Thursday, February 18, 2016

black holes, cigarettes, wodka lemon

My cat goes
to hunt for mice,
catches them,
plays with them.

I don't know
if he kills them
or if they die
by accident.

I have been in love
and i cared
but now it feels
like a black hole.

Where we shared
fluid days
and presence
in roads and fields

Where we went
through joy and pain
meeting  our essence:
Now i see nobody

not even me,
Black holes sucking energy,
unkwown to each other,
Terra Icognita

Which will remain white
on the map of life
and a torture burnt
into the memory of time.

The wind blows ashes
and senseless fights
across this universe,
Better to stay silent,

To see the birds coming
with song in this spring
and the dead bushes
greening with hope

And maybe to smoke,
have a wodka lemon,
to listen to death
coming nearer

Together with the streams
and small rivers gurgling
along with  hypnotic sound.
All in all loneliness.

Life must be an accident,
my cat said so:
just the fun of hunting.
Does he lie?

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