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Monday, February 1, 2016

in the end: i don't know

there is the shiver of truth
right down my spine:
the shiver doesn't make truth true.

what appears to be true today
will it be true tomorrow?
truth, they say,
changes with the observer,
and then,
the observer changes

there is no constant truth
as far as objective truth is concerned.
there are many truths,
is there one truth?

when i sit in silence
truths passing through my mind
i just let them pass,
i don't feel obliged to thoughts.
i can only try to be true

is there a god,
what kind of a god can this be,
why do we die?
will i be reborn again?

why am i alive?
well i know
that i don't know.
in the end: i don't know.

why do we have to do
things we don't like?
why do we suffer?
why are people bad?
what is bad?

we have to live
and accept not to know
and we have to be true
and say it.
but we can stay curious
as children are.

what is infinity,
what is zero,
where does music come from?

when i look into the night sky,
which stars are dead already
though i can see their light?

no, questions are
the only essential questions
are the ones
children ask.

They teach us modesty,
they keep us awake,
they are the channels
to serenity and wisdom.

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