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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Isto é o meu corpo,José Tolentino Mendonça

Isto é o meu corpo

O corpo tem degraus, todos eles inclinados
tem milhares de lembranças do que lhe aconteceu
filiação, geometria
umdesabamentoquecomeça do avesso
e formas que ninguém ouve 
O corpo nunca é o mesmo
ainda quando se repete:
deondevemestebraçoquetoca no outro, 
como alcanço este pé que coloco adiante?
não aprendo com o corpo a levantar-me, 
aprendo a cair e a perguntar

i like this poem, it reminds me of modesty and simplicity,
of a physical me exploring life and death and earth.
to fall and to get up again, to ask and to keep on asking, 
to explore and to be.

i don't inhabit a body, i am a body, my presence 
is as physical and as non-physical as the presence of essence.
often we don't like to be reminded of our vulnerability and immanent death,
too much fear and taboo. the taboo and the cult, both, of sex and of body
are not only a symptom of domination and convention, they are deeply linked to
the fear of death, to experiencing our relatedness to animals 
which can be wounded and will die.

also in other ways i associate Moshé Feldenkrais and personal 
experiences in trance work with his method which took me
to early childhood movements and space.

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