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Saturday, December 3, 2016

a poem to me

now with the fire
and the day done,
a night out cold
and a lost heart

i talk to you,
me to me,
how do we live
and -do we listen?

i ask:are you desperate
or lonely
and speak : no,
we are together

and who is we?
and none of us
wants to answer.
the noise stops.

so i stay silent
for a while.
i look into the
flames, warm colours

and we bought
roses, they are
and they will die
i say: do you know us,

we didn't cut you.
They bend and tell:
we know.
i am grateful.

it is so rare
that a flower
same  as love.

you, i say,
can you cry?
we say
we don't know

does it make sense?
the cat purrs
and i know
you and me

we are just alive.
without a heart
we are lost,
hopeless in nirvana.

hi, i ask
is this where you
want to be? please
eat this apple we see.

and shut up.

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