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Thursday, December 15, 2016

listening is a skill, Steven Webb

“When people talk, listen completely. 
Most people never listen.” 
 Ernest Hemingway

listening is a skill, Steven Webb

Steven Webb
read this, whosoever, it opens into a choice of freedom, 
the freedom which is possible

quote, a list for inspection of attitude i found really helpful..
a check list..

"Here are my Simple Listening Tips:

  1. Listen with an open minddon’t presume anything.
  2. Stop preparing your reply.
  3. Avoid distraction. Focus on the speaker. Pause or mute the TV/radio.
  4. Face the speaker and give subtle hints you are listening; e.g. nodding.
  5. Try to feel how they felt at the time, if they are relating a story.
  6. Never interrupt. Give them a chance to finish.
  7. A pause doesn’t mean it’s your turn, sometimes people just need to collect their thoughts and are intending to continue.
  8. Don’t judge or patronise.
  9. Avoid offering advice unless it is asked for.  Most people already know what you are going to tell them.
  10.  Be honest. If you believe it is idle gossip or something you really don’t want to hear, tell them respectfully.
  11. If it is something you strongly disagree with, or they are attacking you let them finish.  They will feel you have listened, and then what you do with it is up to you.  You are unlikely to change their opinion by talking, arguing or shouting over them.
  12. Finally, engage yourself by asking questions or confirming part of the story.
  13. Remember your body language. 


Steven Webb said...


Thank you, I really appreciate that. Listening is a skill that I thought I had all my life until I realised I must've been one of the world's worst.

I'm still working on it now, knowing what we should do and doing it are really worlds apart.

Appreciate the connection, much love Steven

manonafence said...

Steven- i am also not always a good listener!
i always try and mostly am good enough in it,
with empathy and an inner ear,
but in private conversation when i am emotionally
involved i tend to fail often completely.
This is why i liked your post.
Wish you the best