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Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Velveteen Rabbit, Komako Sakai, recognition,realness

The Velveteen Rabbit

Alan Watts:
“Life and Reality are not things you can have for yourself unless you accord them to all others,

Margery Williams:
 “Real isn’t how you are made… It’s a thing that happens to you,

quoting end of article:

..."Why should it all end like this for someone who had been loved so much and become Real?"
And then something magical happens — a flower emerges from the ground where the tear had fallen, and it blossoms to reveal the beautiful nursery fairy, who takes care of the most beloved toys after their children outgrow them.

With one kiss on the nose, the fairy transforms the Velveteen Rabbit into a Real rabbit — real not only to the boy who loved him, but real to the world, to all who judge the realness of others.

The seasons turn and when spring arrives again, the little boy treks back into the woods, where he has a strange and wonderful encounter with a wild rabbit that looks remarkably like his beloved lost toy. The rabbit looks at the boy, and the boy at the rabbit, they are elevated in a quiet moment of recognition — the mutual beholding of another’s realness of which all love is made"...

This is so beautiful that i woke up to a day not so good in the beginning.,
a friend had sent me this article.

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