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Friday, April 14, 2017

on a dying friend:

death of a girl

(18.04.2017, 00.16 am)

so young, so full
with energy,
all one cry for help
she couldn’t ask.

all bent on destruction
to flee a world
in which she saw
no home for her soul.

all one protest
against the slow
death in prison,
the way of adults.

all one warm heart
and nearness without
and with words,
open and wounded.

all one ecstasy of
suffering  and joy,
never complaining,
growing towards death

by a needle, by a needle.
worse than needles in her
deep  sweet child soul,
wounds and raw rage,

she run towards
escape, now dying,
bleeding, soon
reaching the other side

and what Goethe said,
filled with the East,
digging in his nose
filled with Goethe,

what kind of God to
only push from outside
to whirl the universe
circling around one finger,

she and i, we didn’t believe.
but her nightmares won
over the vision of children
who are born with future.

each one lost so young
is another loss of hope,
a black finger
swearing at our sky

and burning a hole
in our mind,
in our faith,
in our life.

i wish her peace, to reach peace and a long kind sleep

"You sit here for days saying, This is strange business. You're the strange business.
 You have the energy of the sun in you, but you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine. 
You're some weird kind of gold that wants to stay melted in the furnace, 
so you won't have to become coins."

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