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Friday, July 28, 2017

Go and the art of non-fighting

all is about space in Go.
you try to set stones on a board
marking your space, and as it is a game, you set fake
border stones too.
When your partner comes near to gain ground,
you let him encircle himself until he cannot find space
there anymore.
You let him fight but you don't fall for it.

It is not about armies and soldiers and kings and queens
hitting each other, you don't let blood flow.

It is not ping pong, you don't hit the ball when it comes:
you do something else.

You have always space in mind and not direct and adversary encounter.

You know your mind is space.

There are long stretches during which you have no idea
what the other wants: you keep setting important strategic stones
mixing your acts with causing confusion in other places.

you let the other one imagine he has gained a kingdom,
in the end he will exhaust himself in traps
and get lost in space he cannot hold.

you don't intend to keep a certain hill or  city,
you stay relaxed, you smile, you keep the concept of space,
you are cunningly applying mathematical patterns
which take the other one in his push forward to run into
nothing by his own force.

It can be good to apply this to difficult stretches and moments
in human relationships.
Let the other one mirror himself,
and let him see the truth of his acts.
Make him think, not fight.

Give him space but don't let him take yours.

When he destroys the magic of the moment, retire
and do something else.

Don't fall for it: defend yourself without a fight,
keep detached.

You will feel and cause less pain, and less energy will be

You don't have to keep peace all the time,
but you can stay calm.

And as there is all this space, you and him may find
another approach.

Nobody has to win.
But everybody needs

And. keep and develop humor, with yourself
and the other:
nobody is perfect.


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