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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ithaca is but a place

Today is the first day this year that the toads returned to the pond in my garden,
it was too cold  for a long time.
Ithaca is but a place...even for toads

when your heart is full,
look for emptiness.
fill it with light,
with the chirp of sparrows

with the cooing of doves,

follow the wind,
do not fear,
you cannot go back.

listen to the sky,

the open plains
they sing under the sun
with the scent of flowers

and they burst into color,

rainbows of joy.
be aware of the weather,
set your sails

not for the easy way,

but to travel far.
go for your journey
and watch the signs

observe the clouds

and stop on the way,
see, feel, touch
and always listen.

silence will give you

what you cannot reach.
Ithaca is but a place
and the universe is wide.

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