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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

life is a game?

whosoever reads this:
i am as crazy as you are, as hurt, as blind as you.
and who says not having expectations, preconcepts, illusions and
to know the limits: this one  is just trying to stay aloof
and does not like to see herself or himself.
if life is a game, then let us play it and lose.
but it will play us, and we can only accept or not accept.

it leads to the absurd question: for some of you,
is orgasm only possible alone or with somebody else?
why and is or was it better with letting go and let  life and
death and  love happen?
alone is not a sin but boring.
for what?
goodbye, sleep. good morning, day.
i am alive. still.

why not..
but why not dis-appear?
a question thought asks, no animal soul could.

is love true or just a weird idea?
is it always corrupted by emotions and defence
and blinded by desire and longing?`

is my badness as natural as for a cat to play and kill a mouse?
i accept it in my cat as natural instinct.
should i not pay the same respect to myself?

i love my cat as there is no reason to hate it or to feel frustrated.

yo can share my weird ways of thinking outside  'norms'
or not.

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