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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Metamorphoses: found an old poem and translated it

Metamorphoses :

I am You are no apple
an apple is an apple is an apple
is no apple
eats no apple

You can
not be an apple,
eat apples,
and understand all this

or nothing at all,
be a part,
or be yourself

or be with me
or be without me
or not be present
or not be with yourself
I can dream you
dream me,
dream us,
wake in the mornings

I can hold on,
let go,
hold lightly,
stay away strong

In the wind we can
drift out of the wind,
shimmer, tiny specks of light,
whirl around, grains of dust

We burn,
we are scorched,
we drink.
we drown
We rise from roots,
we grow rootless,
we cannot stay,
we  change

We walk,
we perish,
we go down,
we walk across

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