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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

sleep and birds

these eyes, a hawk,
penetrant , beautiful
cruel golden clearness

dying they open
a gate of beauty,
invitation and question

the sheer intensity
of this moment
haunting my nights
for months and months

my dreams which i
rarely met, broken at
night, each night, 

until the weight lifted
and release entered
in a month of spring

now another place
in my nights, a soul
i miss but cannot

be near, as if i lost
my own. waking dreams,
never gliding across

the hills as the sun does,
stopping there i wake
to get up and see

i cannot sleep. there is
a hole beyond the
horizon, and it is inside

i don't go there,
i cannot, limping
i return to survive, awake

i am my question
and so you are ,
as you have been

i don't know question
nor answer, i see fear
and cannot bed my head

on this restless sea
as birds can do:
they sleep.

do birds know songs
like love-or are they-
maybe-just this, like roses?

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