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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

astral shield II , for revision, notes september 2013

my astral shield is bomb -shelled,
things, faces passing through.
i am a post-office,
transport letters,
thorns of promisses

sometimes i need drugs
to close the gates,
for shelter,
for rest.

the u-bahn shrieks,
squeals, screeches
to a halt,
then rumbles on,
thunder underground

from far a wailing child,
a dog barking down the tunnels.
this is one stage of bardo,
transition, dissolution
the astonishment to find

white paper
being filled with letters,
paint, colour, signs,
symbols, figures,
trainloads of people
in a cloud of voices

long after Babel

they carry wishes
and sorrows
and i hope
they would see
and live now
because now
is tomorrow too late
and yesterday gone

their own monsters
 will shake them
only with the fear of death
they will awake
into their lives

i open my eyes
and i see
a sword in my hand.

i will not need
a shield anymore