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Monday, October 19, 2015


weird, i had something at the back of my mind, looking for it, it was the beautiful
King Crimson song and i couldn't remember!

Islands in the Sky


of course there are
islands in the sky.
and  of course, we will die

i want my island
here , on earth,
for the time
we are given

maybe not an island
but a home
in the waste land

a wing of you
touching my sleep,
my worn face

a simple place
to be quiet
and warm

a breath of you
to ease my fear
and i know

more is not
to give or to take:
we need to walk

and to survive,
a washing machine,
maybe a nurse

but i want a garden
where i can grow peace
and flowers, strawberries

and salad of course.
all life was salad,
all thoughts are.

it is not the words
I can eat.
it is not ideas
I can drink.

it is not the past
when i say now.
It is not now
when you say past.

and then, you
will not live
by the sun alone
you need your hands

as i need mine.
they may rest
in each other
when the time is right.



of course there are
islands in the sky.
and  of course, we will die

i want my island
here , on earth,
for the time
we are given

maybe not an island
but a home
in the waste land

a wing of you
touching my sleep,
my worn face

a simple place
to be quiet
and warm

a breath of you
to ease my fear
and i know

more is not
to give or to take:
we need to walk

and to survive,
a washing machine,
maybe a nurse

but i want a garden
where i can grow peace
and flowers, strawberries

and salad of course.
all life was salad,
all thoughts are.

it is not the words
I can eat.
it is not ideas
I can drink.

it is not the past
when i say now.
It is not now
when you say past.

and then, you
will not live
by the sun alone
you need your hands

as i need mine.
they may rest
in each other
when the time is right.



I am alone,
late October night
and no moon

I feel alone
and all paths lead
to a place

Which is not a place
nor a sea nor nothing
nor anything i know

i stopped walking
this I sits and breathes

It has forgotten
who it is ,I.
When I open my eyes

I see more cloud
than light
and I shiver.

I close my door
there is too much wind
and noise outside

I, born out of womb
and out of words,
I leave.

I does not want to know
where I shall go.
I wants to fly.

Now there are
only I and me
and we are not.

We are alive.
How can we be

Freedom is

Freedom is

Freedom is only
in silence
where space grows.

Still words walk
out of my soul,
the changes of weather,
the awakening mind

When you listen
you can find my breath
and yours will go with it
into the wind of time

Or you will see them
as small letters
on a warpath
dancing in masks

blown out of a fire,
a thirsty man burning.
or you will feel the wings
resting in the heart of storm

where i can sail
without weight
in my solitude

Eyes fastened with pins,Charles Simic

How much death works, 
No one knows what a long 
Day he puts in. The little 
Wife always alone 
Ironing death's laundry. 
The beautiful daughters 
Setting death's supper table. 
The neighbors playing 
Pinochle in the backyard 
Or just sitting on the steps 
Drinking beer. Death, 
Meanwhile, in a strange 
Part of town looking for 
Someone with a bad cough, 
But the address somehow wrong, 
Even death can't figure it out 
Among all the locked doors... 
And the rain beginning to fall. 
Long windy night ahead. 
Death with not even a newspaper 
To cover his head, not even 
A dime to call the one pining away, 
Undressing slowly, sleepily, 
And stretching naked 
On death's side of the bed.
by Charles Simic

Clouds Gathering, Charles Simic

It seemed the kind of life we wanted. 
Wild strawberries and cream in the morning. 
Sunlight in every room. 
The two of us walking by the sea naked. 

Some evenings, however, we found ourselves 
Unsure of what comes next. 
Like tragic actors in a theater on fire, 
With birds circling over our heads, 
The dark pines strangely still, 
Each rock we stepped on bloodied by the sunset. 

We were back on our terrace sipping wine. 
Why always this hint of an unhappy ending? 
Clouds of almost human appearance 
Gathering on the horizon, but the rest lovely 
With the air so mild and the sea untroubled. 

The night suddenly upon us, a starless night. 
You lighting a candle, carrying it naked 
Into our bedroom and blowing it out quickly. 
The dark pines and grasses strangely still.
by Charles Simic