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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Hasse,Mea tormenta, properate!, Jakub Józef Orliński , Il pomo d'oro

Zelenka , S'una sol lagrima , Orlinski

Fago , Dum infans iam dormit, Orlinski

Carl Gustav Jung , Transference and Archetypes

one way,, one part...

Händel , Felicissima quest' alma ,Roberta Invernizzi

Händel , Prophetic raptures, Karina Gauvin

minimalist music can be fascinating, doesn't mean i must like everything, no obsessions
please for my life -and not minimizing me more than necessary, why, there is such a wide space.....

Pollarolo , Padre amoroso, Vivica Genaux

Ali Farka Toure, African Blues, Petenere

Carl Jung on Intuition