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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Swans 1983 Lebedi - EN & RU subs Russian animation after Lev Tolstoi

a ride around my home,Danube,Urach

You've gotta see this kid!! Why isn't he famous??

John Steinbeck,Journal of a Novel, quote

"I shall tell them this story against the background of the county I grew up in 
and along the river I know and do not love very much. 
For I have discovered that there are other rivers. 
And this my boys will not know for a long time nor can they be told. 
A great many never come to know that there are other rivers. 
Perhaps that knowledge is saved for maturity and very few people 
ever mature. It is enough if they flower and reseed. That is all that 
nature requires of them. 
But sometimes in a man or a woman awareness takes place — not 
very often and always inexplainable. There are no words for it because 
there is no one ever to tell. This is a secret not kept a secret, 
but locked in wordlessness. The craft or art of writing is the clumsy attempt 
to find symbols for the wordlessness. In utter loneliness a writer tries to 
explain the inexplicable. 
And sometimes if he is very fortunate and if the time is right, a very little 
of what he is trying to do trickles through — not ever much. 
And if he is a writer wise enough to know it can’t be done, 
then he is not a writer at all. A good writer always works at the impossible. 
There is another kind who pulls in his horizons, drops his mind 
as one lowers rifle sights. 
And giving up the impossible he gives up writing."

(found in :

G.Burgess, I wish that my room had a floor

I wish that my room had a floor;
I don't care so much for a door.
  But this walking around
  Without touching the ground
Is getting to be quite a bore.

-- I Wish That My Room Had A Floor, Gelett Burgess 

R.L.Stevenson, At The Seaside

When I was down beside the sea
A wooden spade they gave to me
To dig the sandy shore.
My holes were empty like a cup.
In every hole the sea came up,
Till it could come no more.
-- At the Seaside, Robert Louis Stevenson

Entangled in April

Entangled in the web
of memories, in April
and in the pain
of my silly heart

Touched by death
and the scent of lillies
i walk in greening meadows
under the willow trees

And in the river
i saw my blood flowing
There i felt my desire
reaching for you

My soul came out
into my skin, and
the trees are shooting,
a greeting to stars and moon

Dreaming in birds' song
breathing sun and sky
still entangled in April
wounded by being alive

I must leave and be still
in this my holy silence
to shed my skin
and rest my head.

But here i cannot stay
when the spring tickles
my feet to come out
and be awake to life.

Blanco White ~ The Wind Rose (feat. Malena Zavala)

Trains - Porcupine Tree