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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Anna Calvi - A Kiss To Your Twin (Live with Patrick Wolf and The Heritag...

SONGS: OHIA (Jason Molina) "Being In Love" from: "The Lioness"

well....he is gone...

Ticky Tock - Woodie Guthrie

autumn rain storm

and thunder & lightning...i love it

Les Jours Tranquilles ( Andre Gagnon ) A 16

Neiges - André Gagnon steady rain..

i took my soul inside

thoughts, they run away,
got lost in the rain,
followed the wind,
maybe took a train

my soul walked
out of my skin.
we sat down
and we talked.

then we were silent
and felt the time pass
far away
very far away

we laughed about
the clock,
we laughed
about numbers

we were sad
and we smiled:
we knew
brooding will not

let us stay in peace
nor give us ease.
we let all go
and found each other

i took my soul
to come inside.
now i must sleep
in the deep